Euromoney Legal Media Group Asia Women in Business Law Awards 2018: Shortlist announced

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Euromoney Legal Media Group Asia Women in Business Law Awards 2018: Shortlist announced

The nominations for the Euromoney Legal Media Group Asia Women in Business Law Awards 2018 have been announced (please scroll down for the full list). On November 8, Asia's leading female lawyers will gather at the Island Shangri-La in Hong Kong to celebrate the achievements of women in the legal profession.

The nominations for the Euromoney Legal Media Group Asia Women in Business Law Awards 2018 have been announced (please scroll down for the full list). On November 8, Asia's leading female lawyers will gather at the Island Shangri-La in Hong Kong to celebrate the achievements of women in the legal profession.

The evening will celebrate the advancement of women in the legal profession throughout the region. During the evening, there will be rewards for individuals in practice area categories and firm awards highlighting the best initiatives for gender diversity, innovation, work-life balance, pro bono work and talent management.

We are proud to announce that the awards will be supporting the Women’s Foundation this year where all proceeds raised will contribute towards improving the lives of women and girls in Hong Kong.

To reserve your place, please email James Murray at or call +852 2842 6936.

Individual Awards

Banking and finance

Lorna Xin Chen, Shearman & Sterling

Esther Chik, Wong & Partners

Indri Pramitaswari Guritno, Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners

Yvonne Ho, Allen & Overy

Nathalie Hobbs, Linklaters

Teresa Lau, Deacons

Effie Vasilopoulos, Sidley Austin

Susan Wong, WongPartnership

Capital markets

Constance Choy, Sidley Austin

Hye Sung Kim, Kim & Chang

Teresa Ko, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

Kaya Proudian, White & Case

Mi Eun Roh, Bae Kim & Lee

Anna-Marie Slot, Ashurst

Cathy Yeung, Latham & Watkins

Su Zheng, King & Wood Mallesons

Competition / antitrust

Kala Anandarajah, Rajah & Tann Singapore

Anne Callinan, Simpson Grierson

Kathryn Edghill, Mills Oakley

Clara Ingen-Housz, Linklaters

Jung Won Hyun, Kim & Chang

Pornapa Luengwattanakit, Baker McKenzie

Fay Zhou, Linklaters

Compliance and regulatory

Susanne Harris, Mayer Brown

Urszula McCormack, King & Wood Mallesons

Tatman Savio, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld

Kristi Swartz, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner

Yuet Ming Tham, Sidley Austin

Mini vandePol, Baker McKenzie

Wendy Wysong, Clifford Chance

Annabelle Yip, WongPartnership

Dispute resolution

Anne Callinan, Simpson Grierson

Melody Chan, White & Case

Rebecca Chew, Rajah & Tann Singapore

May Ng, DLA Piper

Sungjean Seo, Kim & Chang

Stacey Shortall, MinterEllisonRuddWatts

May Tai, Herbert Smith Freehills

Energy and natural resources

Meredith Campion, Allen & Overy

Linh Doan, Watson Farley & Williams

Carolyn Dong, DLA Piper

Mei Fern Johnson, Russell McVeagh

Bree Miechel, Reed Smith

Patricia Tan Openshaw, Gibson Dunn & Crutcher

Clarinda Tjia-Dharmadi, Latham & Watkins

Sandra Seah, Bird & Bird

IP litigation

Vivien Chan, Vivien Chan & Co

Kherk Ying Chew, Wong & Partners

Zhen (Katie) Feng, Hogan Lovells

Young Kim, Kim & Chang

Charmaine Koo, Deacons

Lynne Lewis, Bird & Bird

Say Sujintaya, Baker McKenzie

Labour and employment

Kala Anandarajah, Rajah & Tann Singapore

Helen Colquhoun, DLA Piper

Fiona Loughrey, Simmons & Simmons

Samantha Cornelius and Emma Pugh, Linklaters

Andrea Randall, Gall

Megan Richards, MinterEllisonRuddWatts

Pattie Walsh, Bird & Bird

M&A and private equity

Ira Eddymurthy, SSEK Legal Consultants

Z Julie Gao, Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom

Suet-Fern Lee, Morgan Lewis Stamford

Tan Ming-Li, Chooi & Company + Cheang & Ariff

Amy Lo, Clifford Chance

Psyche Tai, Norton Rose Fulbright

Shirin Tang, Morrison Foerster

Ai Ai Wong, Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow


Joanne Collett, Walkers

Kate Hodson, Ogier

Judy Lee, Appleby

Ann Ng, Maples and Calder

Denise Wong, Walkers

Patent and trade mark prosecution

Ann Nam-Yeon Kwon, Kim & Chang

Patsy Lau, Deacons

Catherine Eunkyeong Lee, Bae Kim & Lee

Cecilia Xianying Lou, King & Wood Mallesons

Maria Smith, Baker McKenzie

Say Sujintaya, Baker McKenzie

Alison Wong, Bird & Bird

Catherine Zheng, Deacons

Privacy and data protection

Anna Gamvros, Norton Rose Fulbright

Brooke Hall-Carney, Lipman Kara

Divina Ilas-Panganiban, Quisumbing Torres

Gabriela Kennedy, Mayer Brown

Kyoung Yeon Kim, Yulchon

Real estate

LE Quynh Anh, Vision & Associates

Kosturi Ghosh, Trilegal

Lan Phuong Nguyen, Baker Mckenzie Vietnam

Susheela Rivers, DLA Piper

Pauline Tan, Ashurst

Restructuring and insolvency

Ayako Kawano, White & Case

Teresa Lau, Deacons

Misha, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co

Naomi Moore, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld

Kelly Naphtali, Kirkland & Ellis

Sheila Ng, Rajah & Tann Singapore

Paralee Techajongjintana, Baker McKenzie


Mei Lin Goh, Watson Farley & Williams

Rosita Lau, Ince & Co

Madeline Leong, Watson Farley & Williams

Yoon Jeong Park, Bae Kim & Lee

Wendy Tan, Morgan Lewis Stamford

Structured finance

Mei Lin Goh, Watson Farley & Williams

Sonia Lim, Linklaters

Anne-Marie Neagle, King & Wood Mallesons

Jennifer Schlosser, Ashurst

Benja Supannakul, Baker McKenzie

Stefanie Yuen Thio, TSMP Law Corporation


Yvonne Beh, Wong & Partners

Agnes Chan, EY

Hong (Julie) Cheng, JunHe

Il Young Cho, Bae Kim & Lee

Dawn Quek, Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow

Adeline Wong, Wong & Partners


Jeanette Chan, Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison

Kherk Ying Chew, Wong & Partners

Stella Cramer, Norton Rose Fulbright

Sophie Dawson, Bird & Bird

Gabriela Kennedy, Mayer Brown

Cecilia Xianying Lou, King & Wood Mallesons

Transfer pricing

Il Young Cho, Bae Kim & Lee

Eunice Kuo, Deloitte

Nancy Lai, Baker McKenzie

Cecilia Lee, PwC

Tae-Yeon Nam, Kim & Chang

Adeline Wong, Wong & Partners

Rising Star nominees


Joey Chau, Kirkland & Ellis

Corinne Chew, Drew & Napier

Ekta Gupta, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co

Tina LeDinh, Allen & Overy Legal (Vietnam)

Nozomi Oda, Latham & Watkins

Tabitha Saw, White & Case

Lu Zhou, Hogan Lovells


Fiona Chan, Appleby

Mengyu Lu, Sidley Austin

Lizzie Roe, Watson Farley & Williams

Caroline Smart, Ashurst

Xue Wang, Allen & Overy Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo Horitsu Jimusho


Anna Mae Koo, Vivien Chan & Co

Serena Lim, Hogan Lovells

Linh Thi Mai Nguyen, Tilleke & Gibbins

Amy Seung Hyun Oh, Kim & Chang

Kylie Peh, WongPartnership


Una Cho, Kim & Chang

Anita Lee, Hogan Lovells

Wendy Lin, WongPartnership

Janine Stewart, MinterEllisonRuddWatts

Jodi Wu, Kirkland & Ellis


Nuthari Borpitpitak, Baker McKenzie

Maria Chang, Bae Kim Lee

Siew Ying Lee, Deloitte

Kyung-Ran Yoo, Kim & Chang

Country Awards



Baker McKenzie

Bird & Bird

Gilbert + Tobin

Hogan Lovells

King & Wood Mallesons

Lipman Karas

White & Case


Abrahams Davidson & Co

CCW Partnership

Ridzlan Lim

China- PRC firm

Dacheng Law Offices

East & Concord Partners

Fangda Partners

Jingtian & Gongcheng


China- international firm


Baker McKenzie FenXun FTZ Joint Operation Office

Bird & Bird

Herbert Smith Freehills

Hogan Lovells

King & Wood Mallesons

Latham & Watkins


Simmons & Simmons

Hong Kong - independent firm




Vivien Chan & Co.

Hong Kong - international firm


Baker McKenzie


Lipman Karas

Mayer Brown

Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison

Simmons & Simmons

White & Case


Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas

J Sagar Associates

Khaitan & Co

Phoenix Legal

Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co




Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners

Hogan Lovells


SSEK Legal Consultants

Tilleke & Gibbens

White & Case


Mori Hamada & Matsumoto

Nishimura & Asahi

Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison

White & Case


Albar & Partners

Azmi & Associates

Chooi & Company + Cheang & Ariff

Herbert Smith Freehills

Wong & Partners

New Zealand

Bell Gully

Chapman Tripp


Russel McVeagh

Simpson Grierson


Akhund Forbes Hadi

Kabraji & Talibuddin

Liaquat Merchant Associates

Mohsin Tayebaly & Co

Orr Dignam & Co


Castillo Laman Tan Pantaleon & San Jose


Quisumbing Torres

Romulo Mabanta Sayoc Buenaventura & de los Angeles

Sycip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan



Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow

Bird & Bird ATMD

Latham & Watkins


Morgan Lewis Stamford

White & Case


South Korea

Bae Kim & Lee

Kim & Chang

Lee & Ko


Sri Lanka

FJ & G de Saram

John Wilson Partners

Julius & Creasy

Nithya Partners


Baker McKenzie

LCS & Partners

Lee and Li

Tsai Lee & Chen


Allen & Overy

Baker McKenzie

DLA Piper


Mayer Brown

Tilleke & Gibbens


Baker McKenzie

Hogan Lovells

Mayer Brown

Tilleke & Gibbens

Vision & Associates

Firm Awards

Best gender diversity initiative by national firm


Gilbert + Tobin

LCS & Partner

Lee & Ko


Russell McVeagh

Tilleke & Gibbens


Best gender diversity initiative by international firm

Baker McKenzie

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner

DLA Piper

Hogan Lovells

King & Wood Mallesons


Lipman Karas

Mayer Brown

Simmons & Simmons

White & Case

Best firm for diversity by national firm

Clayton Utz

Phoenix Legal

Gilbert + Tobin

LCS & Partners


Best firm for diversity by international firm


Baker McKenzie

Bird & Bird

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner

Hogan Lovells

King & Wood Mallesons


White & Case

Most innovative firm

Gilbert + Tobin

Herbert Smith Freehills

Hogan Lovells


Russell McVeagh

Best mentoring programme by national firm


Gilbert + Tobin

LCS Partner

Lee & Ko


Rajah & Tann


Best mentoring programme by international firm


Baker McKenzie

Bird & Bird

DLA Piper

Herbert Smith Freehills

Hogan Lovells

Latham & Watkins


Best national firm for work-life balance



Kim & Chang

Lee & Ko

Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co


Best international firm for work-life balance

Bird & Bird

Lipman Karas

Mayer Brown

Reed Smith

Simmons & Simmons

White & Case

Best national firm for talent management

Gilbert + Tobin

LCS & Partners

Lee & Ko

Rajah & Tann

Tilleke & Gibbens

Wong Partnership

Best international firm for talent management

Baker McKenzie

Bird & Bird

Herbert Smith Freehills

Hogan Lovells

King & Wood Mallesons


Reed Smith

White & Case

Best firm for pro bono work

Baker McKenzie

Bird & Bird

Hogan Lovells

King & Wood Mallesons

Latham & Watkins

Mayer Brown

Reed Smith


Best international firm China practice

Baker McKenzie

Bird & Bird

Herbert Smith Freehills

Hogan Lovells

King & Wood Mallesons

Latham & Watkins

Simmons & Simmons

Best national firm for women in business law


Gilbert + Tobin

LCS & Partners

Lee & Ko



Best international firm for women in business law


Baker McKenzie

Bird & Bird

Herbert Smith Freehills

Hogan Lovells

King & Wood Mallesons


Reed Smith

White & Case

Supporting Organisations





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