Oleg Berezin |
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Deloitte CISBusiness Center "White Square" 5 Lesnaya St. Moscow 125047 Russia Tel: + 7 495 787 0600 Email: oberezin@deloitte.ru Website: www.deloitte.ru Oleg Berezin is a tax partner of Deloitte CIS. He assists foreign investors in tax, customs and legal matters in entering the Russian market and expanding their activities in Russia. Oleg is the head of the Chinese Service Group for Russia, advising Chinese businesses investing into Russia. He also leads the life sciences and healthcare industry group for Russia, assisting pharmaceutical and healthcare companies on various tax and legal matters as well as supervising the work done for these businesses in other areas of expertise such as transaction support and audit. Oleg has more than 17 years of experience in taxation and before joining Deloitte in 2003, he worked for another accounting and consulting firm for six years, specialising in indirect taxes. He graduated from the Moscow State University and has a master's degree in economics. Oleg is a correspondent for Russia for International VAT Monitor , an IBFD (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation) periodical tax journal. ![]() |
Vladimir Konstantinov |
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PwC RussiaWhite Square Office Centre 10 Butyrsky Val Moscow Russia Tel: +7 495 967 6236 Email: vladimir.konstantinov@ru.pwc.com Website: www.ru.pwc.com Vladimir Konstantinov is a tax partner at PwC, leading the indirect tax practice of PwC Russia. He is based in Moscow. In 1995 PwC was the first of the big-four firms to form a separate group of indirect tax specialists in Russia. After just one year, in 1996, Vladimir joined the PwC Indirect Tax Group. Today, Vladimir has been with the firm for 18 years and is actually leading and developing the most experienced group of indirect tax professional advisers in Russia. His team numbers 23 high-profile experts in indirect taxation today. Vladimir has extensive experience in advising clients on operational and compliance issues, cross-border supplies, tax planning and tax structuring solutions, including structuring of construction projects; assistance with obtaining VAT refunds; tax due diligence projects; tax audits and tax reviews; and obtaining rulings for clients, as well as assisting them in litigation and claiming procedures. Vladimir was also involved, on multiple occasions, in managing the process of drafting various Russian legislative acts as well as in negotiating them with the Russian competent authorities. Over his career Vladimir has provided advice on indirect tax issues to major multinational and Russian companies in a broad range of industries including energy, utilities & mining (EU&M), technology, information, communications & entertainment (TICE) and consumer and industrial products, and service (CIPS) sectors. Vladimir is often a speaker on VAT issues at local, regional and global conferences, at PwC client events as well as at events arranged by various business associations. ![]() |
Andrey Silantiev |
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Deloitte CISBusiness Center "White Square" 5 Lesnaya St. Moscow 125047 Russia Tel: + 7 (495) 787 06 00 Email: asilantiev@deloitte.ru Website: www.deloitte.ru Andrey Silantiev is a partner in the Tax & Legal department of Deloitte CIS in Moscow, where he is leader of the indirect tax group. Andrey started his career more than 16 years ago with another professional services firm and joined Deloitte CIS in 2005. Andrey has knowledge across many industries and provides indirect tax consulting services to clients doing business in the energy and resources, metals and mining and telecommunications and financial services industries, among others. Andrey has led different projects, such as VAT health-check reviews, preparation of acts of disagreement with tax authorities, supporting clients in dispute with tax authorities, and acceleration of input VAT recovery with regard to export supplies. He has worked on several projects designed to improve clients' cash position and reduce costs and has been involved in the development and implementation of tax accounting policies and ERP systems. Andrey also has led a number of significant Customs projects related to the conclusion of agreements on the industrial assembly of spare parts with the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, support for applications to the Federal Customs Service to obtain preliminary classification decisions for different goods and general consulting on various Russian customs issues. Andrey has a degree in economics from Moscow State Industrial University. ![]() |
Rustem Ahmetshin
Pepeliaev Group, Taxand Russia
Victor Borodin
Alexander Bychkov
Baker & McKenzie
Sergey Gerasimov
Althaus Group
Yulia Kolesnikova
Maria Kostenko
Baker & McKenzie
Alexei Matveev
Andrey Nikonov
Pepeliaev Group, Taxand Russia
Elena Puginskaya
Arseny Seidov
Baker & McKenzie
Andrey Tereschenko
Pepeliaev Group, Taxand Russia