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Ulf Andresen


Partner | Transfer Pricing

PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG

Frankfurt am Main

+49 69 9585 3551

Languages: German, English, French

Bar admissions: Eligible to appear in all German tax courts


Dr. Ulf Andresen is an international tax partner in PwC's Frankfurt transfer pricing team with 23 years of experience in advising multinational enterprises in international tax matters and transfer pricing. Moreover, he is a specialist in permanent establishment taxation and in transfer pricing matters in the financial services industry.

Recent matter highlights

Concluded several APAs and mutual agreement procedures and has taken over a number of court cases on transfer pricing matters.

Association memberships

He is the co-publisher and co-author of the Permanent Establishment Handbook (Betriebsstätten Handbuch), the leading publication in PE taxation in Germany, and speaks frequently at tax conferences and contributes to national and international tax journals on a regular basis.

Ulf is also lecturing on tax and transfer pricing matters at the Otto Beisheim School of Management WHU, Coblence and at the Federal Tax Academy (Bundesfinanzakademie), i.e. the training institution for tax auditors in Germany.

Academic qualifications

Chartered Accountant (Australia)

Certified Tax Advisor (Steuerberater/StB)

Doctorate in Business Administration

Master Degree in Business Administration


Lorenz Bernhardt


Partner | Transfer Pricing

PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG


+49 (0)30 2636 5204

Languages: German, English

Bar admissions: Germany, New York (NY)


Lorenz Bernhardt is a senior transfer pricing partner at PwC Berlin. Lorenz also leads the transfer pricing practice of the PwC Europe Firm (its members being Austria, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Turkey and Switzerland) as well as the EMEA region in the international PwC transfer pricing network.

Recent matter highlights

Recent projects of Lorenz Bernhardt have included:

  • Advising on, and implementation of, large restructuring projects including treatment under the German transfer of function rules;

  • Negotiations and comprehensive filings relating to bilateral Advance Pricing Agreements matters for Blue Chip Groups; and

  • Tax audit defence work with a focus on very large cases and high end transfer pricing matters.

Practice areas

Restructuring, Cost-sharing arrangements, Audit defence, Litigation, Transfer pricing

Sector specialisations

Industrials, Natural resources, Real estate, Transport

Academic qualifications

Lorenz obtained a law degree from the University of Munich and an LLM from New York University School of Law. Before joining the tax practice of an international accounting firm in Germany he had been working as a foreign associate with Fried Frank in New York. Lorenz is a German certified tax advisor and has been admitted as attorney-at-law both to the German Bar as well as to the New York Bar.


Axel Eigelshoven


Partner | Transfer Pricing

PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG


+49 211 9811144

Languages: German; English


Axel Eigelshoven is a transfer pricing partner in PwC's Düsseldorf office and heads up the PwC German transfer pricing practice. He has more than 20 years of experience in international taxation and transfer pricing.

Axel works on a wide variety of transfer pricing projects including tax audits, intellectual property migration, tax effective supply chain management, permanent establishment issues, advanced pricing agreements and competent authority procedures under the tax treaty and the EU arbitration convention. His clients involve a number of DAX 30 companies, large multinationals and mid-size companies. Axel's primary focus is on the automotive, engineering and chemical industry.

Axel lectures at the Mannheim Business School, the Vienna University of Economics and Business and is a frequent speaker on transfer pricing at national and international seminars. He is co-author of Vogel/Lehner, Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen, a leading commentary on tax treaties, co-author of Kroppen, Handbuch der Verrechnungspreise, a leading publication on transfer pricing and is contributing to the German country chapter in IBFD's Global Transfer Pricing Explorer. Moreover, he has published numerous articles in national and international tax journals.

Practice areas

Audit defence, Dispute resolution, MAPs/ADRs, Litigation, Arbitration

Sector specialisations

Automotive, Aviation, Consumer goods and services, Industrials

Association memberships

Member of the Tax Advisors Association and the International Fiscal Association.

Academic qualifications

Axel holds a degree in business economics (Dipl.-Kfm. (MBA) from the University of Cologne) and is a certified tax adviser (Steuerberater).


Kati Fiehler


Partner | Transfer Pricing

PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG


+49 (0) 40 6378 1304

Kati Fiehler is a transfer pricing partner in Hamburg.

She has an economic background and specialises in international transfer pricing issues and value chain transformation. She has gained extensive experience in advising multinational companies especially on restructuring of business models, on the design of inter-company business transactions and implementing or managing permanent establishment structures.

Kati has managed numerous projects for multinational corporations regarding outsourcing of business functions, implementation of transfer pricing models and documentation of transfer pricing issues. Kati has gained extensive experience in advising companies in several industries with a focus on renewable energy, defence and logistics.

Kati is a certified tax adviser (Steuerberaterin) and has completed a secondment at PwC's transfer pricing practise in London. She lectures in national seminars on her specialism.


Jörg Hanken


Partner | Transfer Pricing

PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG


+49 89 57905424

Languages: German, English


Jörg has performed and managed numerous projects such as analyzing, planning, implementing, documenting and defending transfer pricing structures for about 20 years. Recent focus on developing and implementing TP software solutions for TP setting, margin monitoring, TP documentation, CbCR, data analytics, robotics.

Recent matter highlights

  • Bilateral APAs regarding distribution (Germany/US, TNMM berry ratio), manufacturing (Germany/Poland, C+), distribution (Germany/Switzerland, TNMM ROS), business restructuring (Germany/US, valuation), manufacturing (Germany/Romania, C+), manufacturing/distribution/service (Germany/Sweden, profit split)

  • First bilateral APA regarding "variable royalty concepts" (automotive, Poland, Romania, Hungary)

  • Several MAPs

Practice areas

Technology services, APAs, Dispute resolution, Arbitration, Transfer pricing, Operational TP, Digital services, Data analytics, Robotics, Software development

Sector specialisations

Automotive, Consumer goods and services, Industrials, Pharma and life sciences, Tech and telecoms

Association memberships

ICV, NACVA, Controlling Academy

Academic qualifications

German Certified Tax Advisor

Certified Valuation Analyst

Master Information Technology and Economics


Heinz-Klaus Kroppen


Partner | Corporate Tax

PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG


+49 (0) 211 981 1966

Before joining PwC in June 2014, Prof Dr Heinz-Klaus Kroppen gained more than 25 years of professional experience at Deloitte, where he led the German tax and legal function and the EMEA tax and legal practice during his last years. He was the co-founder and major shareholder of Deloitte Legal in Germany.

His work concentrates exclusively on international matters, mainly cross-border transactions, acquisitions and multinational corporations' tax issues with a strong focus on controversy.

Heinz-Klaus has led a number of tax audits, competent authority procedures and court proceedings including representation of his clients in the German tax courts and supreme tax courts.

He regularly negotiates advance pricing agreements (APAs) for large multinational clients. He was also involved in more than 50 APAs/MAPs and numerous court cases.

Since May 1, 2017 he has been leading PwC Legal globally, comprising of almost 4,000 lawyers in almost 100 countries. In addition to his global legal role he also leads PwC Legal in Germany. Furthermore he is a member of the PwC German Tax & Legal Leadership Team.

His recognition as a leading German tax and transfer pricing expert has led to his consistent selection for inclusion in Euromoney's guide to the world's leading tax advisers and the guide to the world's leading transfer pricing advisers.

Heinz-Klaus has been teaching international taxation for more than 20 years at the Ruhr University Law School in Bochum.

He studied law at the universities of Kiel, Hamburg, Cologne and later clerked at the German Tax Court in Duesseldorf and at the German/Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Seoul. During this time, he wrote a dissertation on company law problems for which he was awarded his PhD in law. Heinz-Klaus later attended Georgetown University Law School (Washington DC) for postgraduate studies, receiving an LLM in international law. He is a certified tax adviser (Steuerberater).


Claudia Lauten


Partner | Transfer Pricing

PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG


+49 (0)211 981 5201

Languages: German, English

Bar admissions: Certified tax advisor, admitted to all German fiscal courts


Claudia is a Tax Partner in the Transfer Pricing Team at PwC Germany. She has almost 25 years comprehensive experience in tax consulting, thereof more than 15 years in Transfer Pricing. Her expertise lies in the avoidance and solution of TP tax disputes, in particular tax audit defence, mutual agreement procedures, APAs and TP tax litigation.

Recent matter highlights

Claudia is a member of PwC's global "Tax Controversy Dispute Resolution" leadership team, combining efforts with PwC offices in other countries on a day-to-day basis, and is heading the German TCDR practice. She is publishing and a frequent speaker on TP tax dispute resolution issues.

Practice areas

Business model optimisation, APAs, Audit defence, Dispute resolution, MAPs/ADRs, Litigation, Transfer pricing

Association memberships

Chamber of Tax Advisors

Academic qualifications

Business Administration, University of Augsburg, year 1996, German Certified tax Advisor, year 2000


Stephan Rasch


Partner | Transfer Pricing

PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG


+49 (0)89 5790 5378

Languages: German & English

Bar admissions: Munich Bar


Prof. Dr. Stephan Rasch is a transfer pricing partner in PwC's Munich office. He has 18 years of experience in international taxation and transfer pricing. Before joining PwC in December 2013, Stephan worked with another Big Four firm as transfer pricing partner. Besides all transfer pricing-related matters, Stephan is successfully involved in German and European tax/transfer pricing audits, defending the restructuring and/or the transfer of intangible property in business model reorganizations. Stephan's experience with MAPs includes bilateral and multilateral cases as well as the negotiation of APAs. He is also involved in tax court litigation relating to transfer pricing cases.

Recent matter highlights

Stephan advises clients in tax matters associated with cross-border transactions, including permanent establishment issues and value chain transformations. He has worked on a broad variety of transfer pricing projects for various industries, including the automotive and automotive supplier industry as well as chemical and pharmaceutical industries, the machinery tool, and IT sectors. Stephan's clients include German-based DAX companies as well as European and US multinationals for which he serves as lead tax partner.

Practice areas

Business model optimisation, APAs, Audit defence, Litigation, Transfer Pricing

Sector specialisations

Automotive, Healthcare, Industrials, Tech and Telecoms, Transport

Association memberships

Stephan is a member of the Munich Bar, the International Fiscal Association (IFA) and the IFA Bavaria board.

Academic qualifications

Stephan is professor of International and European tax law at the University of Augsburg. Stephan holds a PhD in International Tax Law and a degree in law from the University of Bochum. He is a tax lawyer (Rechtsanwalt/Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht).


Martin Renz


Partner | Transfer Pricing

PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG


+49 (0)711 25034 3107

Languages: German, English


Martin Renz has over 20 years of experience in international taxation and transfer pricing and leads the transfer pricing group at PwC in Stuttgart. He is frequent speaker on transfer pricing seminars, co-publisher and author of Renz/Wilmanns Internationale Verrechnungspreise, author in several commentaries and has published numerous articles.

Recent matter highlights

  • Carrying out value chain transfer pricing studies

  • Implementation of entrepreneur structures, licensing structures

  • Tax consulting within Advance Pricing Agreement procedures

  • Led many projects for multinationals to set up global transfer pricing documentation

  • Focused on the automotive, engineering and health care industry

Practice areas

Policy design, Restructuring, APAs, Dispute resolution, Transfer pricing

Sector specialisations

Automotive, Healthcare, Industrials, Engineering

Academic qualifications

German MBA (Diplom-Kaufmann), University of Bayreuth, 1997

Certified tax advisor, Steuerberaterkammer Stuttgart, 2001


Susann van der Ham


Partner | Transfer Pricing

PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG


+49 (0) 211 981 7451

Susann van der Ham has 20 years of experience in consulting multinationals in the field of transfer pricing. Her expertise encompasses transfer pricing structuring, value chain transformation, system implementation, documentation and tax audit defence.

Susann's clients include several DAX 30 multinationals, as well as other US, European and Chinese corporations representing a wide range of industries. During the past few years, Susann led a number of projects involving permanent establishments, complex restructurings including transfer of functions and post-merger integrations. Susann is PwC's EMEA retail and consumer tax leader and a member of the international retail and consumer transfer pricing network. As such, Susann has in-depth knowledge of industry specific transfer pricing aspects.

Susann is a certified speaker on the German Federal Certified Tax Consultant Association's seminars and events and regularly speaks on international tax and transfer pricing conferences. She is a co-author of one of the leading German publications Borberg Praxishandbuch Verrechnungspreise and publishes frequently in national and international tax magazines on transfer pricing. Her recent publications include an article about service permanent establishments in China, an article about recent OECD developments regarding the profit attribution to dependent agent PEs and an article about draft APA regulations in Russia (all published in the magazine IWB), an article comparing German and OECD profit attribution rules for dependent agent PEs in the magazine ISR as well as an article on transfer pricing principles applicable for cash pool transactions in the Russian magazine Nalogoved.

Susann studied business economics and tax law at the Dresden Technical University, Germany, and Japanese and international tax law at the KEIO University Tokyo, Japan. She later enrolled at Maastricht University for postgraduate studies of international tax law. She is a German certified tax adviser (Steuerberater).


Ludger Wellens


Partner | Transfer Pricing

PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG


+49 211 981 2237

Ludger Wellens is a tax and transfer pricing partner of PwC in Germany. He has more than 20 years of experience in all aspects of transfer pricing, international tax planning and corresponding controversy.

Ludger is certified as a German tax adviser (Steuerberater). He holds a diploma in international business from the University College Dublin (Ireland), an MBA from the University of Aachen and a PhD from the University of Bayreuth.

Ludger has worked for two of the Big 4 firms in their tax and transfer pricing departments. He was also member of the board and head of the transfer pricing group of a German based tax consulting firm. Furthermore, he worked as tax director and head of global transfer pricing for a major German based multinational company.

Both as an in-house consultant in industry and as an outside expert, Ludger has planned and implemented numerous transfer pricing systems. He has worked extensively on value chain transformation projects both inbound and outbound.

He has extensive experience solving controversies through defending tax audits and supporting mutual agreement procedures as well as advance pricing agreements (APAs).

He has experience in planning, especially optimising value chains, dispute resolution (audits, MAPs and APAs), business restructurings and valuations, documentation and implementation of TP systems.

Ludger specialises in the pharma and life sciences industry, chemicals industry, as well as in the consumer products and energy sectors.


Ulf Andresen


Christoph Becker

Baker McKenzie

Lorenz Bernhardt


Burkhard Binnewies

Streck Mack Schwedhelm

Dieter Birk

P+P Pöllath

Eugen Bogenschütz

Allen & Overy

Gero Burwitz

McDermott Will & Emery

Stephan Busch


Uwe Clausen

Oppenhoff & Rädler

Felix Dörr

Dr Felix Dörr & Kollegen

Axel Eigelshoven


Kati Fiehler


Stefan Grube


Ulrich Grünwald


Wilhelm Haarmann


Jörg Hanken


Ulf Johannemann

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

Andreas Kempf


Stephan Krampe

Berwin Leighton Paisner

Carsten Kratzer

Baker Tilly

Heinz-Klaus Kroppen


Thomas Küffner

Küffner Maunz Langer Zugmaier

Claudia Lauten


Martin Lenz


Nicole Looks

Baker McKenzie

Jochen Lüdicke

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

Alexandra Mack

Streck Mack Schwedhelm

Michael Massbaum


Stefan Maunz

Küffner Maunz Langer Zugmaier

Jochen Meyer-Burow

Baker McKenzie

Christian-Alexander Neuling


Dirk Pohl

McDermott Will & Emery

Christian Port

Baker McKenzie

Michael Puls

Flick Gocke Schaumburg

Heiko Ramcke


Ulrich Ränsch

Baker McKenzie

Stephan Rasch


Martin Renz


Alexander Schemmel


Jürgen Schimmele


Ulrich Sorgenfrei

Ulrich Sorgenfrei

Gerhard Specker

P+P Pöllath

Rudolf Stahl

Carlé Korn Stahl Strahl

Harald Stang


Michael Streck

Streck Mack Schwedhelm

Susann van der Ham


Alexander Voegele

NERA Economic Consulting

Klaus von Brocke


Ludger Wellens


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