Andrea De Vecchi and Paolo Mondia will serve as the co-managing directors for the region. De Vecchi is an M&A specialist based in Milan, where he was CEO of Noda Studio until signing a deal with Andersen in 2015 and joining the association as one of its most important member firms two years later.
Likewise, Mondia founded MDR Advisory Group in 1991 and signed a collaborative agreement with Andersen in 2014. The Swiss firm was an important starting point for Andersen Tax’s entry into the European market and later joined as a full member in 2017.
The board is composed of 19 top tax and legal partners, including 14 partners from Andersen Tax member firms and five from collaborating firms. These partners represent firms from 17 countries, including Germany, France, Italy and the UK.
Andersen Global has worked to build a presence in 112 countries worldwide. The European market was the first voyage out of the US for Andersen Tax, and the creation of a board is a key part of consolidating its association, but the firm has its eyes set on Asia in 2019.