International updates - May 2016

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International updates - May 2016


The latest international updates from our correspondents around the world.

Albania: IMF requests amendments to Albanian property tax

Australia: Australian BEPS update pre-election

Brazil: Brazil’s Senate approves Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters

Canada: Federal Court of Appeal agrees with TDL on scope of Canadian interest deductibility purpose test

Chile: Change of scenery: Chilean tax assistance and transparency

China: China’s new VAT rates and rules across all industries

Croatia: Treaty analysis: Croatia-Luxembourg DTA enters into force

Cyprus: Recent developments in Cypriot IP taxation: Are you prepared?

EU: EU Commission proposes public CbCR

Germany: EGC rules German exception to change-in-ownership rule qualifies as unlawful state aid

India: Taxing digital transactions in India

Indonesia: Indonesia targeting cross-border and online transactions

Ireland: New Irish tax appeals system

Italy: Italian Revenue Agency issues guidelines on LBOs

Luxembourg: Luxembourg VAT: CJEU delivers important decision regarding real estate investment funds

Poland: Incoming reporting changes in Poland

Russia: Transfer pricing audits in Russia: Initial results and trends

Serbia: Treaty analysis: Serbia ratifies DTA with South Korea

South Korea: Tax Tribunal rules Korean tax authority had no basis to disregard the existence of domestic holding companies established to facilitate LBO

Spain: Spanish Supreme Court confirms that Brazilian ‘juros sobre o capital próprio’ can benefit from Spanish participation exemption regime

Switzerland: Swiss perspective: Standardised electronic format for the exchange of CbC reports released by the OECD

US Inbound: US proposes new debt-equity regulations regarding interest in a corporation

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HM Revenue and Customs’ costs of collecting tax have risen by 15% in four years, the National Audit Office also found
The plan, outlined by EU tax commissioner Wopke Hoekstra, would reportedly free 180,000 of the 200,000 in-scope businesses from additional compliance
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The enacted legislation, which introduces a suite of new indirect taxes, was ‘highly awaited’ but presents major concerns, advisers tell ITR
Recent ATO guidance on how companies can demonstrate arm’s-length funding highlights how it is ‘one of the most transparent tax authorities in the world’, one adviser tells ITR
The proposed Block TP Assessment could provide taxpayers with long-term arm’s-length price certainty and reduce admin headaches, Sanjay Sanghvi of Khaitan & Co writes
India’s budget changes goods and services tax rules; UK private school VAT challenge fast-tracked
It is understood that the US has vowed to oppose any outcome from talks taking place at the UN
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