Australia: Australia proposes several legislative changes
Bulgaria: Bulgaria introduces VAT rules on food donations
Chile: Taxpayers able to obtain credit on income from non-treaty countries
Chile: Chile adopting the Common Reporting Standard
China: Preferential tax treatments for equity incentives
Cyprus: The amended Cyprus IP box regime
EU: European Commission's public CBCR proposal moves beyond challenges
Hong Kong: BEPS gains momentum in Hong Kong
India: Demonetisation of high currency notes in India
Indonesia: New income tax for REIT schemes enacted
Iran: US Treasury relaxes dollar transaction rules for Iran
Luxembourg: Luxembourg's transition from the EU Savings Directive to CRS
Macedonia: Macedonia introduces preferential VAT rate to pellet products
Malta: Malta concludes tax treaty with Vietnam
Montenegro: Electronic submission of tax returns becomes mandatory in Montenegro
New Zealand: New Zealand Inland Revenue releases MNE compliance focus document
Poland: Time to prepare for new TP obligations in Poland
Romania: Romania to introduce EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive two years early
Serbia: Serbia introduces widely-disputed VAT rulebook
Spain: Court ruling could facilitate recovery of Spanish municipal capital gains tax payments