Brazil is looking to impose the OECD’s 15% global minimum tax on multinationals; in other news, PwC is set to pull out of Fiji
Companies have not had enough time to organise themselves in what has been an atypical legislative process, according to experts
The policy idea stems from the misconception that technology companies pay little or no taxes, one expert tells ITR
A Swedish company’s CEO working part-time in Denmark led to a noteworthy PE decision; in other news, Latham & Watkins grew its London tax team
Sponsored by VRBF AdvogadosPaulo Victor Vieira da Rocha and Custódio Moreira Brasileiro Silva of VRBF Advogados share insights on the impact of income tax reform for international tax planning regarding Brazilian companies' cross-border dividend distribution taxation.
Sponsored by MachadoJúlio de Oliveira and Gabriel Caldiron Rezende of Machado Associados discuss the recent manoeuvre of the Federal Revenue Service to reduce the financial impact of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court decision on the PIS/COFINS taxable base.
Sponsored by Chevez Ruiz ZamarripaJimena González de Cossío Higuera of Chevez Ruiz Zamarripa explains how global businesses have been forced to adapt their M&A activity owing to the coronavirus pandemic.