Taxpayers would have to register controlled commodity transactions and declare information to the Brazilian tax authorities under the proposed regulations
Brazil is looking to impose the OECD’s 15% global minimum tax on multinationals; in other news, PwC is set to pull out of Fiji
Companies have not had enough time to organise themselves in what has been an atypical legislative process, according to experts
The policy idea stems from the misconception that technology companies pay little or no taxes, one expert tells ITR
Sponsored by PwC BrazilBruno Porto and Mark Conomy of PwC Brazil discuss the Brazilian Supreme Federal Tribunal’s decision confirming that municipal service tax (ISS) can apply over ‘complex contracts’.
Sponsored by Deloitte UKDeloitte’s practitioners from across the globe assess how transactional activity has evolved as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and consider the key aspects of the new deal landscape.
Sponsored by MachadoCarolina Romanini Miguel and Gabriel Caldiron Rezende of Machado Associados discuss the decision of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court, which deemed the tax liability of energy distributors on free market transactions as unconstitutional.