Compliance Management
The firm is now also accused of sharing information on the Australian government’s talks with the OECD on country-by-country reporting legislation.
ITR speaks to the Finnish tax authority and three companies about the new proof of concept, which is getting rave reviews
World leaders are preparing to negotiate carbon border adjustment mechanisms and other carbon pricing tools at the annual UN climate conference in Cairo.
Asia-Pacific tax directors tell ITR about the rise of aggressive audits in the region, putting it down to supply chain issues and advanced monitoring tools.
Sponsored by EY Asia-PacificYoichi Ohira and Adrian Ball of EY review how companies with the right balance of technology, compliance and experienced professionals, can benefit from the increased FTA usage in the region.
Sponsored by LED TaxandGuido Arie Petraroli and Francesco Cardone of LED Taxand analyse the DAC6 Directive in Italy focusing on the tax saving test, main benefit test and hallmark C1, in relation to inter-company debt financing.
Sponsored by BurckhardtRolf Wüthrich of burckhardt Ltd explains how Switzerland is improving its compliance and reporting functions to strengthen the country’s reputation as a global business centre.
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