Craig Bennie
Craig has 11 years of TP experience, across both Deloitte’s Australian and UK practices. He is focused on serving clients across the financial services (banking, investment management and insurance), and property/infrastructure sub-sectors. He also has experience in a range of M&A advisory from a TP lens. Both within and out with these core industry segments, Craig also has a broad experience in related party financial transactions covering debt pricing, financial guarantees and debt capacity analyses.
Craig has worked on a diverse range of TP engagements, including developing and monitoring the implementation of TP policies, audit defence and risk reviews, operational transfer pricing, cost allocations, preparing documentation, CbC reporting and bespoke economic advice for a range of clients and industries.
Craig has worked on a number of banking, private equity, alternative fund management, insurance and infrastructure clients, including analysing fee splits, sales and trading relationships, cost sharing, and intra group funding arrangements.
Craig is a member of the Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand.