Deloitte Luxembourg
The ‘big four’ firms want guidance on reporting forms, the use of the XBRL filing mechanism, and permanent establishment reporting
Sponsored by Deloitte LuxembourgDinko Dinev and Adam Wojewoda of Deloitte Luxembourg explore AI’s potential to enhance efficiency in transfer pricing but emphasise the irreplaceable value of human expertise in navigating complex regulatory landscapes
Sponsored by Deloitte LuxembourgMultinational enterprises must include transfer pricing and cost accounting experts in taking an integrated approach to supporting the arm’s-length nature of intragroup service charges, say Enrique Marchesi-Herce, Gilles Andreini, and Serena Picariello of Deloitte Luxembourg
Sponsored by Deloitte LuxembourgBalazs Majoros of Deloitte Luxembourg provides an update on the transfer pricing landscape in the grand duchy against a backdrop of opposition to a draft bill and winds of change from the EU
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