Diogo Ortigão Ramos, Daniel S de Bobos-Radu and João Pedro Russo of Cuatrecasas present the current Portuguese VAT framework for crypto-assets and approach several tax issues that may impact crypto businesses.
Diogo Ortigão Ramos, Tiago Gonçalves Marques and Diogo Gonçalves Dinis of Cuatrecasas consider the key elements of the Portuguese ‘Netflix tax’ and discuss whether this would pave way for the introduction of a digital services tax.
Diogo Ortigão Ramos, Filipe Gomes da Silva and Diogo Gonçalves Dinis of Cuatrecasas explain the rules that will enter into force in January 2021, affecting Portuguese VAT legislation and the tax treatment of e-commerce.
Diogo Ortigão Ramos and Mário Silva Costa of Cuatrecasas analyse the key takeaways from the Portuguese state budget for 2020 and from the transposition into Portuguese VAT law of the EU’s 'quick fixes' package.
As the final version of the State Budget Law for 2020 has finally been approved, Diogo Ortigão Ramos and João Pedro Russo of Cuatrecasas explain the changes made to stamp duty on the taxation cash pooling mechanisms.
The decision of the CJEU on the Portuguese case Paulo Nascimento Consulting (Case C-692/17) recently became available. Diogo Ortigão Ramos and Mário Silva Costa of Cuatrecasas explain the details of the case and the possible consequences of the decision.