DLA Piper
A high number of granted APAs demonstrates the Italian tax authorities' commitment to resolving TP issues proactively, experts say
The memorandum raises concerns and taxpayer challenges should be expected, four experts tell ITR
The firm also won regional awards for Pro Bono Firm of the Year and Tax Law Firm of the Year
The firm picked up awards for its work in multiple jurisdictions, while DLA Piper walked away with four individual honours
Sponsored by DLA Piper AustraliaJock McCormack of DLA Piper Australia reports on substantial amendments to the prior draft of Australia’s thin capitalisation reforms and a landmark ruling concerning the application of royalty withholding tax and diverted profits tax
Sponsored by DLA Piper NetherlandsJian-Cheng Ku, Jean-Paul Dresen, and Xander Stubenrouch of DLA Piper Netherlands discuss the imminent turnaround on arm’s-length interest deduction in the Netherlands following a landmark EU case.
Sponsored by DLA PiperRandall Fox of DLA Piper discusses the trends defining the TP function, and explains how the law firm has emerged as a strong alternative to accountancy firms in Europe.
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