Fernando Matesanz of Spanish VAT Services argues that reporting obligations for platform operators should be harmonised to prevent them from becoming ‘quasi-tax inspectors’ in a digital economy reshaped by servitisation
Fernando Matesanz of Spanish VAT Services explores the growing VAT responsibilities of digital platforms, driven by EU reforms such as ViDA, and warns of enhanced compliance burdens
Fernando Matesanz of Spanish VAT Services says changes to the application of VAT concerning online events are intended to simplify the rules but could create further headaches
With the modified regime coming into effect from January 1 2025, Fernando Matesanz of Spanish VAT Services explains the new provision for cross-border transaction exemptions and related compliance complexities for SMEs
Fernando Matesanz of Spanish VAT Services explains how the upcoming introduction of the Verifactu system will affect invoicing processes and potentially steer businesses towards adoption of the SII system
Fernando Matesanz of Spanish VAT Services casts a critical eye over the ‘odd and complex’ implementation of a new system that is designed to simplify Spain’s corrective VAT returns process