Fernando Matesanz of Spanish VAT Services considers the implications of the CJEU’s ruling on “economic activities”, and the lack of a one-size-fits-all solution for taxpayers.
Fernando Matesanz of Spanish VAT services breaks down the crucial CJEU decision, with significant tax implications for digital platforms and electronically supplied services.
Fernando Matesanz of Spanish VAT Services breaks down the tax authority’s recent proclamation on rectifying invoices, with the potential for more flexibility for businesses.
Fernando Matesanz of Spanish VAT Services summarises the most important changes under the General State Budget Law published in December 2022, some of which will help make Spanish companies more competitive.
A new law that aims to help in the creation and development of companies changes the rules regarding electronic invoicing, but Fernando Matesanz of Spanish VAT Services says that clarification is needed.
Fernando Matesanz of Spanish VAT Services provides an emphatic response to the question of whether invoices are still required and explains an interesting related case at the Court of Justice of the European Union.