Brazil is looking to impose the OECD’s 15% global minimum tax on multinationals; in other news, PwC is set to pull out of Fiji
The new guide also covers transfer pricing and states that all transactions between related parties must be at arm’s-length
The tie-up will add around three US-based tax partners to Herbert Smith Freehills’s international 17-partner practice
The government’s move is potentially the most seismic shift to VAT since it was first introduced, one expert argues
Sponsored by KPMG SwedenThe Swedish VAT Act faces change after the Supreme Administrative Court ruled it fails to fulfil the EU’s requirements of clarity, precision, and transparency, reports Ellie Kvistrum of KPMG Sweden
Sponsored by CuatrecasasAna Helena Farinha and Tiago Martins de Oliveira of Cuatrecasas say that the intragroup financing of Portuguese companies could be affected by a rule that is out of kilter with several other EU jurisdictions
Sponsored by KPMG USMark Martin and Thomas Bettge of KPMG in the US discuss the tax certainty provisions of the Multilateral Convention for amount A and evaluate their utility for businesses