GNV Consulting
Sponsored by GNV ConsultingAditya Wicaksono and Yoan Putra Muda of GNV Consulting report on the country addressing the global minimum tax, and a streamlining of the procedures used for tax corrections, objections, reductions, eliminations, and cancellations
Sponsored by GNV ConsultingAditya Wicaksono and Yoan Putra Muda of GNV Consulting summarise a regulation aimed at smoothing the transition to the new VAT rate, and a revision of the rules concerning customs and excise audits
Sponsored by GNV ConsultingJeklira Tampubolon and Julius Wahyu Daryono of GNV Consulting also summarise regulations concerning customs and excise bookkeeping and an import duty exemption for goods used in government projects financed by foreign loans and/or grants
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