Yusuf Akhmadi of Indonesia’s Directorate General of Taxation reports on the country’s latest domestic and cross-border initiatives to clamp down on tax evasion
Septian Fachrizal, TP analyst at the Directorate General of Taxes, outlines how Indonesia is relying heavily on the successful implementation of pillar one.
In some cases because of pressure from jurisdictions and organisations outside the region, Asian countries have put taxpayers on notice that they intend to focus more resources on anti-avoidance. Ralph Cunningham reports.
The Rising Stars Awards have released the list of winners for the 2022 Asia-Pacific awards.
Sponsored by GNV ConsultingDanang Syailendra and Hartiadi Santoso of GNV Consulting Services outline the many tax benefits businesses may encounter when operating in the IKN.
Sponsored by GNV ConsultingBenjamin Simatupang of GNV Consulting explains that preparation is vital for Indonesian taxpayers in aiming to weather the storm of tax audits, and why tax office challenges can be seen as an opportunity for improvement.
Sponsored by GNV ConsultingJeklira Tampubolon and Aditya Nugroho of GNV Consulting Services overview Indonesia’s latest regulatory changes and their implications for businesses.