International Updates
Under the 60-day rule in Cyprus, individuals are considered tax residents of Cyprus and benefit from the island's tax regime.
On December 10 2018, Portugal published Notice 144/2018 in the Official Gazette, announcing the new income tax treaty with Montenegro.
Russian legal entities that make capital gains from the sale of shares are eligible for a 0% tax rate, yet the criteria for satisfying this arrangement may not always be so simple.
Canada's Revenue Agency (CRA) confirmed in a recent technical interpretation (2017-071330117) that Canadian withholding tax can apply to the accrued (but unpaid) interest on a debt owed by a Canadian resident to a non-resident when the debt is assumed by another entity and such an assumption constitutes a "novation" of the debt obligation for purposes of the applicable commercial law.
Sponsored by KPMG ChinaOn April 17 2019, China's National Statistics Bureau announced GDP growth of 6.4% in the first quarter of 2019, the same level as for the fourth quarter of 2018. But China is nonetheless facing the slowest rate of economic growth in 30 years.
Sponsored by PwC ArgentinaIn early December 2018, Argentina signed two new double tax treaties (DTTs) with China and Turkey. In January 2019, Congress passed Law No. 27,496, which approved the DTT signed between Argentina and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in November 2016.
Sponsored by PwC ChileAs we have commented in previous articles, on August 23 2018, Chile's government presented a Tax Modernisation Bill, which aims to introduce a series of modifications to simplify the Chilean income tax system and incorporate new tax regulations.
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