February 2018
International Correspondents
New Analysis
Tax Relief
Special Features
Sponsored by KPMG ChinaIn the final days of 2017, the Chinese authorities set out a series of new incentives and improved tax treatments with a view to fostering both greater inbound and outbound investment in 2018. The Chinese Finance Minister, Mr Xiao Jie, also set out his plan of broader reforms for the medium term.
Sponsored by Garrigues SpainAs is known, and as has been highlighted on these same pages in the past, the European Commission has in the last years deployed intense activity at the review, under EU state aid rules, of national laws (and individual rulings) regulating the direct taxation of companies.
Sponsored by KPMG ChinaIn line with its pledge to boost Hong Kong's competitiveness and comply with its international obligations, the Hong Kong government has recently introduced two tax reforms.
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