November 2016
International Correspondents
New Analysis
Tax Relief
Special Features
Sponsored by Deloitte MexicoBy a majority vote, the Second Chamber of Mexico's Supreme Court of Justice ruled on the constitutional trials filed against the Income Tax Law that only allow employers to deduct certain payments.
Sponsored by Dhruva AdvisorsIn India, intangibles that qualify for depreciation under the Income-tax Act, 1961 (Act) are defined to include "know-how, patents, copyrights, trademarks, licenses, franchises and any other business or commercial rights of similar nature". Since "goodwill" does not expressly find a mention in the list of intangible assets that qualify for depreciation, claims of depreciation on goodwill have been a matter of debate for a considerable time with decisions on both sides of the spectrum.
Sponsored by Russell McVeaghThe New Zealand Inland Revenue has announced that it will be increasing the number of large taxpayers that it monitors as part of its Basic Compliance Package (BCP). Inland Revenue's announcement comes at a time of increased media and political attention on the tax affairs of foreign-owned multinational groups.
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