October 2018
International Correspondents
New Analysis
Tax Relief
Special Features
Sponsored by Deloitte SwitzerlandOn June 25 2018, an amendment to Directive 2011/16/EU (DAC6), came into force, which may have a significant impact on Swiss entities.
Sponsored by Dhruva AdvisorsThe Income-tax Act, 1961 was amended in 2012 such that non-resident taxpayers are not entitled to claim relief under a tax treaty unless they obtain a tax residency certificate (TRC) from their country of residence. But a recent court ruling has changed the situation.
Sponsored by KPMG Hong KongIn recent years, there have been various accounting changes which have had significant tax implications on how certain items are accounted for and potentially taxed. The two main changes in Hong Kong have been HKFRS 9 (affecting financial instruments) and HKFRS 16 (leases).
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