October/November 2019
Sponsored by KPMG RussiaDmitry Garaev and Anastasia Avdonina of KPMG discuss the Supreme Court’s decision A47-9881/2017 of August 26 2019, which is of specific interest for companies receiving both operating profit and dividend income.
Sponsored by PwC BrazilOn July 1 2019, the Federal Brazilian Tax Authorities (RFB) published Solução de Consulta – Cosit 210/2019 (dated June 24 2019), providing that withholding tax should be levied at a rate of 15% on interest that is accrued but not yet due, where the outstanding debt is used to reduce accounting losses of a Brazilian company via a ‘debit to shareholders account’ transaction.
Sponsored by KPMG ChinaSince 2013 China has established an increasing number of free trade zones (FTZs) around the country.
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