China - Looking Ahead (9th edition) in partnership with KPMG (December 2019)
Features Articles
Sponsored by KPMG ChinaRecent years have seen striking changes in the VAT landscape, both in China and overseas, in relation to the scope of the tax, its mode of operation and the technology underpinning it. Lachlan Wolfers reviews a series of predictions made in 2014.
Sponsored by KPMG ChinaChina merged its previously separate state and local tax authority systems in 2018. This has provided a basis for improvements in tax administration and services, and required taxpayers to adapt. Michael Li, Tracey Zhang and Fang Wei explore the changes.
Sponsored by KPMG ChinaThe Hong Kong SAR government has continued its international focus, introducing incentives to boost competitiveness while taking steps to address global tax avoidance, write Curtis Ng and Ivor Morris.