Mergers and Acquisitions 2019 (May 2019)
Features Articles
Sponsored by SMPS LegalThe method a firm employs to merge or acquire a corporation in Mexico carries with it a complex array of tax opportunities and challenges. SMPS Legal’s Ana Paula Pardo and Jorge San Martín Elizondo explore how local and international firms can best position themselves with Mexico’s varied tax framework.
Sponsored by EY LondonTransatlantic deals between the US and Europe have fallen since the end of 2017, although activity levels in the US domestic market have increased. Can this be attributed to US tax reform? And what has US tax reform meant for transatlantic M&A more generally? EY’s James Hume and Joe Toce consider these questions and the broader impact on due diligence, financing and post-acquisition integration.
Sponsored by BurckhardtSwitzerland’s federal tax administration has published an update on its tax ruling practice for federal taxes, withholding taxes (WHT) and stamp duty as it nears a second referendum on corporate tax reform. burckhardt Switzerland’s Rolf Wuethrich explores how these may affect tax structuring and merger and acquisition (M&A) sentiment.
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