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Transfer Pricing Controversy (2nd edition) (February 2019)



  • Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing Global
    Public and political pressure has seen tax authorities play closer attention to transfer pricing. Deloitte’s Tony Anderson, Alex Evans, Mariusz Kazuch, Rafal Sadowski and Lian Tang He explore changes in Canada, China and Poland.
  • Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing Global
    Cross-border cooperation in transfer pricing risk assessments and audits has presented cost saving opportunities, but increased reporting obligations for MNEs. Deloitte’s Manfred Naumann and David Varley explore the experience in Germany and the US.
  • Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing Global
    Are transfer pricing controversy cases on the rise because of the OECD’s BEPS initiative or local country legislation? Deloitte’s Stan Hales and John Henshall explore the dynamic globally.
  • Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing Global
    Transfer pricing (TP) controversies have arisen in all countries. Deloitte’s Eric Lesprit, Sanjay Kumar and Joseph Tobin focus on recent TP controversy developments in three: France, India, and the US.
  • Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing Global
    Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu’s global transfer pricing practice, in partnership with International Tax Review, is pleased to present the 2019 edition of the Transfer Pricing Controversy Guide, a discussion and overview of the leading issues, challenges and opportunities around transfer pricing (TP) controversy.
  • Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing Global
    Mutual agreement procedures (MAPs) are becoming increasingly popular in the settlement of TP controversy. As double taxation fears abound for multinationals, Deloitte’s Edward Morris discusses the importance of a well-functioning MAP process.