Transfer Pricing Taxation of the Digitalised Economy (in partnership with Deloitte) (September 2019)
Features Articles
Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing GlobalMultinationals across all sectors should be ready as fundamental changes to the international taxation system make their way into reality. Alison Lobb, Robert Stack and Paul Riley introduce this special report.
Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing GlobalThe OECD’s work around the digitalisation of the economy is proceeding at a rapid pace and many multinational enterprises may be surprised at the scope of changes to the international tax framework. These changes could impact all larger multinationals, not just those that consider themselves part of the digital economy.
Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing GlobalDigitalisation is driving the auto industry through an evolutionary leap. Stephan Habisch and Andreas Göttert of Deloitte Germany look at the new digital era tax approach that may upturn existing TP practices.
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