Clients of audit services should also be disallowed access to firms’ other services, it was claimed; in other news, Ireland approves amount B
The self-governing UK dependency said that over 95% of Jersey companies will be unaffected by pillar two and that Revenue Jersey is ‘well-equipped’ to implement the rules
The Canadian proprietor of Canary Wharf and Manhattan West faces accusations of avoiding tax through subsidiaries in Bermuda and beyond.
Shareholders are set to vote on whether the asset management firm will adopt public CbCR, amid claims of tax avoidance.
Sponsored by EY Asia-PacificAs the OECD takes on an updated schedule to deliver on its targets, Barbara Angus and Luis Coronado of EY lay out the latest developments and provide their views on what to expect next.
Sponsored by EY Asia-PacificDarren Gibson of EY explores five themes that all organisations facing challenges from COVID-19 must manage to defend their human resources.
Sponsored by EY Asia-PacificAdrian Ball of EY looks at how customs authorities and companies are addressing the issue of end-of-year transfer pricing (TP) adjustments, and how companies should address this with customs authorities across the Asia-Pacific region.
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