Clients of audit services should also be disallowed access to firms’ other services, it was claimed; in other news, Ireland approves amount B
The self-governing UK dependency said that over 95% of Jersey companies will be unaffected by pillar two and that Revenue Jersey is ‘well-equipped’ to implement the rules
The Canadian proprietor of Canary Wharf and Manhattan West faces accusations of avoiding tax through subsidiaries in Bermuda and beyond.
Shareholders are set to vote on whether the asset management firm will adopt public CbCR, amid claims of tax avoidance.
Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing GlobalKerwin Chung and Carlo Llanes Navarro of Deloitte provide an insight into ITR’s transfer pricing controversy guide, produced in collaboration with global transfer pricing experts from Deloitte.
Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing GlobalShaun Austin, Richard Schmidtke and Aparna Rao of Deloitte discuss the challenging transfer pricing concepts of intangibles arrangements and important regulatory changes from Australia and Germany.
Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing GlobalJuan Ignacio de Molina and Christine Ramsay of Deloitte consider the increased reliance of tax authorities on CbCR data and how the data reported in the CbCR during the COVID-19 pandemic could impede its use.
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