Kristiina Coenen
Kristiina leads Deloitte's “Tax and Legal Garage” team in Germany, which manages digital transformation projects and the integration of tax technology tools to shape the future of tax departments. With over 10 years of experience, Kristiina brings a wide-ranging background in tax law, technology, and process-related tax transformation projects. Her expertise extends to advising tax departments across various industries on organizational, process, data, and technology-related tax matters.
With the establishment of the corporate incubator “The Garage”, Kristiina has assembled a team that addresses complex customer visions from different industries through the interdisciplinary expertise of technology as well as tax and legal professionals. This incubator has been instrumental in fostering digital innovation and driving the development of cutting-edge solutions within the tax and legal space.
She also shares her experience and knowledge as a lecturer at the University of Mannheim, teaching “tax and digitalisation” and as a regularly invited keynote speaker at external events and conferences.
Through her proven advocacy skills, deep expertise and dedication to innovation, Kristiina strives to drive the tax and legal industry forward, providing valuable insights and exceptional service to clients and contributing to the broader advancement of the field.