Latin America and Caribbean
Brazil is looking to impose the OECD’s 15% global minimum tax on multinationals; in other news, PwC is set to pull out of Fiji
Slovakia increases VAT rate, Chile goes big on VAT reform and more
Companies have not had enough time to organise themselves in what has been an atypical legislative process, according to experts
The UK tax agency dished out £153 million in VAT penalties last year; in other news, Bird & Bird and Pérez-Llorca have made strategic tax hires
Sponsored by VRMA AdvogadosThe Supreme Federal Court has returned to a case that could have a huge economic impact on the federal government, report Paulo Victor Vieira da Rocha and Camila Montenegro Cruz of VRMA Advogados
Sponsored by MachadoGabriel Caldiron Rezende of Machado Associados explains the contrasting viewpoints and legislative developments regarding the taxation of goods moved between branches of the same company
Sponsored by Ritch MuellerSantiago Llano Zapatero and Fernando Caballero Gout of Ritch Mueller examine the state-imposed taxes applicable to specific transactions in certain states in Mexico
Latin American and Caribbean Jurisdictions