Tax professionals at ITR’s 2021 Women in Tax event said advance pricing agreements (APAs) are still a strong tax certainty tool for multinationals facing a series of transfer pricing (TP) concerns from organisational changes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The energy crisis is increasing resistance to the European Green Deal, particularly with the plan to extend the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and raise carbon taxes.
The Brazilian government hopes it can boost investment by trying to simplify transfer pricing (TP) management and adopting OECD standards. However, these two aims may be at odds with each other.
The Brazilian government aims to reduce the corporate tax rate as part of its ambitious reforms, while ending the tax exemption for dividends. This change comes with stricter rules for disguised distributions of profits (DDL).
As HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) seeks out more financial data, the UK revenue service is raising the pressure on companies to implement more rigorous transfer pricing (TP) reporting policies.
COVID-19 has created more transfer pricing (TP) difficulties for taxpayers with complex supply chains and expectational costs, said speakers at ITR’s Asia Tax Forum event.