Renata Ardous, head of global transfer pricing (TP) at Chanel, discusses with ITR’s Leanna Reeves how the UK’s latest TP proposal will be a game-changer for businesses.
Multinational companies should review how they approach reducing transfer pricing (TP) risks as audits and arbitration cases rise. Taxpayers may find a 360-degree view could prevent tax disputes.
Tax authorities have become more demanding when it comes to transfer pricing (TP) documentation from corporations as governments seek more tax revenue to cover the costs of the pandemic.
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is seeking UK corporations to file a local and master file along with an International Dealings Schedule (IDS) in a bid to strengthen its transfer pricing (TP) compliance rules and frameworks.
French utility company Engie loses its appeal against the European Commission in state aid case over Luxembourg tax arrangements. The company is expected to pay back €120 million ($145 million) in back taxes.
The Multilateral Instrument (MLI) could help eliminate the risk of trade sanctions caused by unilateral measures such as digital services taxes (DSTs).