The report exposes the Netherlands and the UK as the world’s biggest channels for routing corporate profits to tax havens – a practice that has itself become a business model, tax professionals and tax justice activists say.
Based on growing demand from clients for assistance with BEPS compliance, KPMG US has hired three new transfer pricing specialists, Mark Martin, Mark Horowitz and Tracy Gomes.
Dentons has added transfer pricing specialist Cristiano Bortolotti to its practice. He will be working with the Luxembourg team as well as assisting the tax practice in Benelux and Europe as a whole.
A new notice from the IRS reveals President Donald Trump’s plans to revoke Obama-era anti-tax avoidance measures including earnings stripping rules, which could cause an upsurge of inversions.
Google avoids a €1.1 billion bill in back taxes as a Paris court on Wednesday rejected claims that the tech giant has a permanent establishment for which it should be paying taxes.