Luxembourg’s finance minister expects more companies to follow the lead of McDonald’s and relocate their tax bases amid increased scrutiny from European tax authorities.
India’s finance minister, Arun Jaitley, introduced two new measures in the 2017 budget, secondary adjustments and thin capitalisation rules, but taxpayers have been left nonplussed.
Action 14 of the OECD’s BEPS Project aims to make dispute resolution mechanisms more effective. The Organisation is inviting taxpayers from seven more countries to discuss issues related to the mutual agreement procedure (MAP).
Developing countries have long struggled with transfer pricing. The Platform for Collaboration on Tax has drawn up a draft toolkit to help them and it is inviting feedback from stakeholders. TP Week speaks to leading figures behind the Platform and business and NGO critics to get their view.
Singapore’s tax authority has released new guidelines that will make life easier for Singaporean taxpayers, as they can now rely on indicative margins on their related-party loans below SGD 15 million ($10.5 million).
President Trump enjoys making statements about big league tax reforms that will ensure “the rich pay their fair share”, but seems to choke up when it comes to his own tax affairs. Are BEPS and transparency in safe hands?