M&A Guide 2023
With the M&A market booming, ITR has partnered with correspondents from firms around the globe to provide a guide to the deal structures being employed and tax authorities' responses.
Sponsored by BurckhardtBastian Thurneysen and Rolf Wüthrich of burckhardt cut through the thickets of Swiss law regarding the purchase and sale of branch assets under third parties and the tax implications of an intra-group restructuring.
Sponsored by Deloitte GreeceMichael Stefanakis of Deloitte Greece addresses the hot topics that keep arising in M&A transactions in Greece.
Sponsored by Herzog Fox & NeemanWith an increasing number of M&A deals in Israel involving a significant stock consideration element, Meir Linzen and Yuval Navot of Herzog Fox & Neeman explain the various options and their tax implications.
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