Monika Marta Dziedzic and Paweł Wyciślik of MDDP explain several existing and temporary tax measures that are available to Polish businesses and individuals rallying to support the victims of the recent floods
Application of the GloBE rules will present a challenge for the Polish legislature as it seeks to maintain the country’s appeal as an investment location, say Monika Marta Dziedzic and Łukasz Kumkowski of MDDP
Monika Dziedzic and Łukasz Kumkowski of MDDP consider the dividend taxation exemption for payments made by Polish companies and explain the fulfilment of the beneficial ownership requirement by foreign holding companies
Monika Marta Dziedzic of MDDP provides insights into the most important tax developments from 2023 that international businesses need to keep in mind for the coming year
The consultation period for draft withholding tax guidelines could be crucial in addressing the issues surrounding their potential application, say Monika Dziedzic, Jacek Wojtach, and Daria Górka of MDDP