The winners of the ITR Americas Tax Awards have been announced for 2022!
With carbon taxes expected in the global shipping industry, onlookers say the costs of climate inaction would only be worse.
There have been some significant new hires across a range of tax firms around the world.
Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing GlobalDeloitte’s practitioners from across the globe report on four of the most prominent transfer pricing (TP) controversy cases from the recent past: Adecco (Denmark), Glencore (Australia), Cameco (Canada), and Philips (France).
Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing GlobalRamón López de Haro and Alejandro Paredes evaluate how promoting the negotiation of advance pricing agreements (APAs) may raise the confidence of potential investors in the region.
Sponsored by Deloitte Transfer Pricing GlobalPaul Riley, Shaun Austin and John Breen preview ITR’s controversy guide, produced in collaboration with global transfer pricing (TP) experts from Deloitte.
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