Wopke Hoekstra implored US officials to ‘truly look into the facts’; in other news, the EU Council has reached a political agreement on DAC9
Developments included the end of Saudi Arabia’s tax amnesty, Poland’s VAT battle with the EU, the Indirect Tax Forum, India’s WTO complaint, and more.
The winners of the ITR EMEA Tax Awards have been announced for 2022!
The European Commission moves to apply a windfall levy on EU electricity firms, while Germany presses ahead with legislation to enforce unilaterally the global minimum tax deal.
Sponsored by MDDPKonrad Medoliński of MDDP provides an overview of the key provisions governing the Polish minimum corporate income tax and highlights critical upcoming deadlines
Sponsored by MDDPMonika Marta Dziedzic and Paweł Wyciślik of MDDP discuss several tax reforms set for 2025 in Poland, including implementation of the GloBE rules, real estate tax changes, and mandatory corporate income tax reporting
Sponsored by MDDPAgnieszka Kisielewska of MDDP outlines the most common pitfalls to consider in effective risk management of customs clearance and says a proactive approach will help prevent costly penalties in an evolving environment
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