Richie Lombard
Richie is a director in tax and legal at Deloitte Ireland, with nearly 14 years’ experience in international tax and transfer pricing.
Before rejoining Deloitte in October 2023, he was a principal officer of the transfer pricing audit branch at Irish Revenue, where he led a team responsible for conducting risk-driven transfer pricing audit and other transfer pricing compliance interventions (including multilateral controls with other jurisdictions) in a wide variety of industries. Richie also contributed to the development of operational policies in respect of transfer pricing and international tax developments for Irish Revenue. He has extensive experience in litigation and resolving domestic transfer pricing disputes. Richie has also supported taxpayers in dispute resolution, including mutual agreement procedures and advance pricing agreements.
His educational qualifications include a BA degree in accounting and finance, and a master’s degree in accounting from Dublin City University. Richie is also a member of Chartered Accountants Ireland and the Irish Tax Institute.