SF Consulting/Crowe Indonesia
Sponsored by SF Consulting/Crowe IndonesiaRatna Febrina and Heru Setyo Basuki of SF Consulting/Crowe Indonesia discuss customs value disputes in Indonesia during the post-customs clearance inspection.
Sponsored by SF Consulting/Crowe IndonesiaSri Wahyuni Sujono and Agus Windu Atmojo of SF Consulting/Crowe Indonesia consider how the hierarchy of legislation in Indonesia relates to the tax court’s role of settling controversies and applying suitable provisions.
Sponsored by SF Consulting/Crowe IndonesiaSri Wahyuni Sujono and Gandi Siregar of SF Consulting/Crowe Indonesia summarise the tax audit procedure in Indonesia, while explaining why pressure to achieve tax revenue targets in 2020 may stimulate an aggressive approach.
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