In a public consultation on transfer pricing matters in Paris today, the OECD questioned the realities of implementing country-by-country (CBC) reporting, with business’s main concern centring on confidentiality.
South African taxpayers are still waiting for the revenue authority to publish guidelines on the transfer pricing rules that were implemented in April 2012, despite the authorities stating that the old rules and guidance no longer apply.
The next year for transfer pricing is dominated by the OECD’s base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) work but, while this project overshadows most other pricing issues, it is not the only one on the horizon. Sophie Ashley takes a look ahead for 2014.
The compensating adjustment mechanism represents another gateway for taxpayers that has been closed by HMRC The UK government is changing the compensating adjustment mechanism in its transfer pricing legislation, which will affect services companies and loans from individuals or partnerships to companies that are more than the arm's-length amount of debt.
Tax directors from some of the largest multinational companies, including Siemens, Caterpillar, Noble, GE, Citi and Standard Chartered, will share their transfer pricing insights and experiences in Singapore later this month.
Tax directors from some of the largest multinational companies, including Caterpillar, Siemens, GE, Noble, Citi and Standard Chartered, will share their transfer pricing insights and experiences in Singapore later this month.