Sponsored by KPMG SwedenTobias Ljunggren and Jessica Silver of KPMG Sweden, who acted as counsel, analyse the implications of a court ruling clarifying that Audi’s winter testing in Sweden does not constitute a permanent establishment
Sponsored by KPMG SwedenThomas Andersson and Tobias Almqvist of KPMG Sweden discuss a Supreme Administrative Court ruling affirming the right to judicial review of corresponding adjustments under tax treaties, ensuring legal remedies for double taxation disputes
Sponsored by CuatrecasasSerena Cabrita Neto of Cuatrecasas explains how the Administrative Arbitration Centre’s ability to make preliminary references to the Court of Justice of the European Union has helped assimilate EU tax jurisprudence in Portugal
Sponsored by CuatrecasasLiliana Piedade and João Filipe Rodrigues of Cuatrecasas argue for a substantive interpretation of Portugal’s stamp duty exemption on guarantees provided by financial institutions, credit institutions, and similar entities to counterparts of an identical nature
Sponsored by Vertex IncFernando Silva of Vertex provides a guide to the ambitious transformation of Brazil’s complicated tax landscape, and says careful navigation will be required to negotiate dual VAT and phased implementation
Sponsored by Lakshmikumaran & SridharanRaghavan Ramabadran, Krithika Jaganathan, and Nirupama Shankar of Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan explore the tax benefits available to businesses under India’s special economic zones framework and the practicalities and challenges of the SEZ Online system
Sponsored by MDDPKonrad Medoliński of MDDP provides an overview of the key provisions governing the Polish minimum corporate income tax and highlights critical upcoming deadlines
Sponsored by Garrigues SpainJavier de Rojas and Jose Ignacio Ripoll of Garrigues Madrid explain how producers and financers are increasingly taking advantage of Spain's clarified tax credit system for film, audiovisual, and live performance financing
Sponsored by Vieira de Almeida & AssociadosMiguel Gonzalez Amado and Mariana Pinto Monteiro of Vieira de Almeida & Associados consider the tax personality of Portuguese branches for stamp tax purposes and a recent ruling’s potential impact on cross-border credit operations