Transfer Pricing Controversy (5th edition) (September 2022)
ITR has partnered with global TP leaders from Deloitte to discuss transfer pricing controversy around the globe, and to share advice on how to navigate an increasingly uncertain and risky TP landscape.
Sponsored by DeloitteSobhan Kar of Deloitte India and Aaron Wang and Michael Sun of Deloitte China evaluate the use of advance pricing agreements in their jurisdictions, and consider how both countries’ programmes are likely to evolve.
Sponsored by DeloitteShaun Austin, Karishma Phatarphekar, and Jack Smith of Deloitte consider three factors that are driving changes to business models and set out best practice for transfer pricing professionals in handling the tax implications.
Sponsored by DeloitteEddie Morris and Markus Kircher of Deloitte consider the common causes of transfer pricing (TP) disputes in the automotive and media sectors.