United Nations
The UK and what has been dubbed its ‘second empire’ have been found to be responsible for 26% of all countries’ tax losses by the Tax Justice Network
Nigeria is pondering the adoption of pillar two despite rejecting it in the past, local experts also suggest
The committee is deciding whether to add the appendix to existing guidance for tax administrations when scrutinising MNE activities
It comes as the US remains uncommitted to the pillar two rules; in other news, ‘Bitcoin Jesus’ faces charges over tax evasion and false tax returns
Sponsored by Deloitte USNick Gaudioso Jr, Mayank Gautam and Randy G Price of Deloitte US examine the digital transformation in the oil and gas sector and the transfer pricing considerations that multinational enterprises must explore.
Sponsored by Deloitte USStephan Habisch and Andreas Göttert of Deloitte Germany consider how the automotive sector will rise to TP challenges faced in today’s world by adapting business models to meet the needs of their customers.
Sponsored by Deloitte USClaudia Lauten and Janis Sussick of Deloitte Germany assess how the accelerating digitalisation changes business models of multinational enterprises in the industrial products and construction industry.