October 2018
International Correspondents
New Analysis
Tax Relief
Special Features
Sponsored by EY RomaniaIn recent years, due to the fairly low percentage of tax collection, the Romanian tax authorities (RTA) have increased pressure on revenue collection by various means.
Sponsored by PwC ChileAs a rule, remuneration for services – digital or otherwise – rendered by a non-resident non-domiciled in Chile to Chilean taxpayers are subject to a withholding tax, with rates of up to 35% over the full paid amount depending on the type of service.
Sponsored by DLA Piper NetherlandsOne of the key benefits of the Dutch tax system is the participation exemption regime, whereby benefits derived by Dutch corporate taxpayers from a qualifying shareholding (i.e. dividends, capital gains, and foreign exchange results) are fully exempt from Dutch corporate income tax (25%). This beneficial treatment of the participation exemption regime also applies to earn-out payments whereby the deferred instalment payments depend upon the performance of the company being sold.
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