Transfer Pricing Controversy (5th edition) (September 2022)
ITR has partnered with global TP leaders from Deloitte to discuss transfer pricing controversy around the globe, and to share advice on how to navigate an increasingly uncertain and risky TP landscape.
Sponsored by DeloitteIn collaboration with tax experts from Deloitte member firms around the world, ITR’s Transfer Pricing Controversy guide provides strategies to help avoid and resolve disputes as tax authorities resume pre-pandemic levels of activity.
Sponsored by DeloitteIncreased transfer pricing documentation requirements are not reducing the number of disputes. Jennifer Breeze, Chris Ferguson, and Simón Somohano of Deloitte offer regional perspectives on the issue and explain what businesses may be able to do to prevent escalation.
Sponsored by DeloitteRather than simplifying and standardising international tax, the OECD BEPS recommendations have led to a complex landscape. Vrajesh Dutia and Eric Lesprit of Deloitte analyse the application of the guidance across several high-profile jurisdictions.
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